

february is almost over already.

Seriously... where has this year gone?  Our lives are pretty good here in NC, I hope your lives are going well too!  John and I are having a great 2012 so far, mentally & physically.  Happy and going strong, making future plans, loving life & each other.

Physically, we are improving in leaps and bounds.  We've done 6 weeks of P90X so far - I think the last time I talked about it we hadn't even finished week 1 yet?  It's safe to say now, after doing it for 42 days straight, that we LOVE this program.  All caps are necessary.  We have found a program that works for us and we are so in love with it.  I bought the DVDs (if you are interested in this program, ask me how I got it for a lot cheaper than the official website advertises) almost 3 years ago and quit after 2 weeks - the box has sat on various shelves since then.  There are many reasons I didn't succeed with my first attempt at this program, but I think the main reason I have succeeded this go-around is that I have a wonderful partner to do it with me everyday, to motivate me on days I don't want to do it (& I motivate him when he doesn't).  As soon as we are finished with the 90 days we are going to just start right over again - or splurge & buy P90X2!  When we are completely finished I'm sure we'll write a review together about it, so you can see what I liked specifically and what he likes.  But anyway, we are also pairing our exercise routine with healthy eating -- lots of produce, very little meat - mainly vegetarian meals, no (or little) caffeine, no alcohol, and cooking at home.  We've only been out to eat twice in 2012, once because John's mom was visiting, the other time for a fun date night.  We go to Trader Joe's every Saturday morning and get our groceries for the week -- we spend less there for healthy food for a week (or more!) than we would a night out for dinner & drinks.  All & all, we feel amazing, are a lot stronger, and are seeing great results while saving tons of money.

In other news, the two of us have decided to make a big commitment with our leisure time together -- we are rewatching every episode of Lost.  And making up words that describe our indescribable feelings for what happens in the show and debating until the wee hours of the night about life, death, karma, the afterlife, actions & consequences, etc, etc.  Lost makes your brain hurt, but in a good way.  I'm sure there will be spirited essay posts from both of us in the future after we watch more of this show.

I'll end up this catch-up with some pictures of life in February from my phone...

my favorite concrete square outside my favorite library // the monster dog giving the babycat a kiss //
John gave me one of my favorite albums on vinyl for Valentine's Day // 1st meal out of 2012 - veggie burger & sweet potato fries from our local brewery //
one night we drove through a new-to-us town & stopped at the cutest bar & I had my 1st drink (sangria) in a loooong time // we got Breaking Dawn the morning it came out (look at his sleepy & happy face) because we are really lame //
my mom sent us a Valentine's package that included cards & gifts for all the living things in this house -- our part was a spaghetti dinner, chocolates, & Lady and the Tramp on bluray // I painted something for John for Valentine's Day -- it's cheesy & he loves it //
when John's in the kitchen, I like for him to make this gnocchi dish that he has called Captain John's Mega Gnocchi Gumbo Mystery Meal Mystery Meal, which is NOT gumbo, nor are the ingredients a mystery... buuuuut that's what he calls it & it's amazing // I had a cold for a whole week which was not very fun at all, but hot lemon water every morning made me feel more human & able to face the day -- I'm hooked on this drink now, lots of vitamin C & other great health benefits //
when I'm in the kitchen, he likes it when I make my own version of sweet potato fries & here they are paired with a big salad // it actually snowed where we live! less than an inch & it was gone when the sun came up, but we made sure to take the dog outside late at night so we could all play in it while it was still there

... that's it!  I hope you have a wonderful Black History Month & enjoy your extra day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad your 2012 is going so well! That's awesome that you're doing the P90X. I only made it through one week... Now that we are back from our honeymoon and a lot of the craziness has settled down, I want to at least do Jillian Michaels videos.

    And Lost is amazing. I look forward to posts about it. :)
